Source code for spotify.client

import asyncio
from typing import Optional, List, Iterable, NamedTuple, Type, Union, Dict

from .http import HTTPClient
from .utils import to_id
from . import OAuth2, Artist, Album, Track, User, Playlist, Show, Episode

__all__ = ("Client", "SearchResults")

_TYPES = {"artist": Artist, "album": Album, "playlist": Playlist, "track": Track}

_SEARCH_TYPES = {"track", "playlist", "artist", "album"}
    'Bad query type! got "%s" expected any of: track, playlist, artist, album'

class SearchResults(NamedTuple):
    """A namedtuple of search results.

    artists : List[:class:`Artist`]
        The artists of the search.
    playlists : List[:class:`Playlist`]
        The playlists of the search.
    albums : List[:class:`Album`]
        The albums of the search.
    tracks : List[:class:`Track`]
        The tracks of the search.

    artists: Optional[List[Artist]] = None
    playlists: Optional[List[Playlist]] = None
    albums: Optional[List[Album]] = None
    tracks: Optional[List[Track]] = None

[docs]class Client: """Represents a Client app on Spotify. This class is used to interact with the Spotify API. Parameters ---------- client_id : :class:`str` The client id provided by spotify for the app. client_secret : :class:`str` The client secret for the app. loop : Optional[:class:`asyncio.AbstractEventLoop`] The event loop the client should run on, if no loop is specified `asyncio.get_event_loop()` is called and used instead. Attributes ---------- client_id : :class:`str` The applications client_id, also aliased as `id` http : :class:`HTTPClient` The HTTPClient that is being used. loop : Optional[:class:`asyncio.AbstractEventLoop`] The event loop the client is running on. """ _default_http_client: Type[HTTPClient] = HTTPClient def __init__( self, client_id: str, client_secret: str, *, loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None, ) -> None: if not isinstance(client_id, str): raise TypeError("client_id must be a string.") if not isinstance(client_secret, str): raise TypeError("client_secret must be a string.") if loop is not None and not isinstance(loop, asyncio.AbstractEventLoop): raise TypeError( "loop argument must be None or an instance of asyncio.AbstractEventLoop." ) self.loop = loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() self.http = self._default_http_client(client_id, client_secret, loop=loop) def __repr__(self): return f"<spotify.Client: {self.http.client_id!r}>" async def __aenter__(self) -> "Client": return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback) -> None: await self.close() # Properties @property def client_id(self) -> str: """:class:`str` - The Spotify client ID.""" return self.http.client_id @property def id(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """:class:`str` - The Spotify client ID.""" return self.http.client_id # Public api
[docs] def oauth2_url( self, redirect_uri: str, scopes: Optional[Union[Iterable[str], Dict[str, bool]]] = None, state: Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: """Generate an oauth2 url for user authentication. This is an alias to :meth:`OAuth2.url_only` but the difference is that the client id is autmatically passed in to the constructor. Parameters ---------- redirect_uri : :class:`str` Where spotify should redirect the user to after authentication. scopes : Optional[Iterable[:class:`str`], Dict[:class:`str`, :class:`bool`]] The scopes to be requested. state : Optional[:class:`str`] Using a state value can increase your assurance that an incoming connection is the result of an authentication request. Returns ------- url : :class:`str` The OAuth2 url. """ return OAuth2.url_only( client_id=self.http.client_id, redirect_uri=redirect_uri, scopes=scopes, state=state, )
[docs] async def close(self) -> None: """Close the underlying HTTP session to Spotify.""" await self.http.close()
[docs] async def user_from_token(self, token: str) -> User: """Create a user session from a token. .. note:: This code is equivelent to `User.from_token(client, token)` Parameters ---------- token : :class:`str` The token to attatch the user session to. Returns ------- user : :class:`spotify.User` The user from the ID """ return await User.from_token(self, token)
[docs] async def get_album(self, spotify_id: str, *, market: str = "US") -> Album: """Retrive an album with a spotify ID. Parameters ---------- spotify_id : :class:`str` The ID to search for. market : Optional[:class:`str`] An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code Returns ------- album : :class:`spotify.Album` The album from the ID """ data = await self.http.album(to_id(spotify_id), market=market) return Album(self, data)
[docs] async def get_artist(self, spotify_id: str) -> Artist: """Retrive an artist with a spotify ID. Parameters ---------- spotify_id : str The ID to search for. Returns ------- artist : Artist The artist from the ID """ data = await self.http.artist(to_id(spotify_id)) return Artist(self, data)
[docs] async def get_track(self, spotify_id: str) -> Track: """Retrive an track with a spotify ID. Parameters ---------- spotify_id : str The ID to search for. Returns ------- track : Track The track from the ID """ data = await self.http.track(to_id(spotify_id)) return Track(self, data)
[docs] async def get_user(self, spotify_id: str) -> User: """Retrive an user with a spotify ID. Parameters ---------- spotify_id : str The ID to search for. Returns ------- user : User The user from the ID """ data = await self.http.user(to_id(spotify_id)) return User(self, data)
# Get multiple objects
[docs] async def get_albums(self, *ids: str, market: str = "US") -> List[Album]: """Retrive multiple albums with a list of spotify IDs. Parameters ---------- ids : List[str] the ID to look for market : Optional[str] An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code Returns ------- albums : List[Album] The albums from the IDs """ data = await self.http.albums( ",".join(to_id(_id) for _id in ids), market=market ) return list(Album(self, album) for album in data["albums"])
[docs] async def get_artists(self, *ids: str) -> List[Artist]: """Retrive multiple artists with a list of spotify IDs. Parameters ---------- ids : List[:class:`str`] The IDs to look for. Returns ------- artists : List[:class:`Artist`] The artists from the IDs """ data = await self.http.artists(",".join(to_id(_id) for _id in ids)) return list(Artist(self, artist) for artist in data["artists"])
[docs] async def search( # pylint: disable=invalid-name self, q: str, *, types: Iterable[str] = ("track", "playlist", "artist", "album"), limit: int = 20, offset: int = 0, market: str = "US", should_include_external: bool = False, ) -> SearchResults: """Access the spotify search functionality. >>> results ='Cadet', types=['artist']) >>> for artist in result.get('artists', []): ... if == 'cadet': ... print(repr(artist)) ... break Parameters ---------- q : :class:`str` the search query types : Optional[Iterable[`:class:`str`]] A sequence of search types (can be any of `track`, `playlist`, `artist` or `album`) to refine the search request. A `ValueError` may be raised if a search type is found that is not valid. limit : Optional[:class:`int`] The limit of search results to return when searching. Maximum limit is 50, any larger may raise a :class:`HTTPException` offset : Optional[:class:`int`] The offset from where the api should start from in the search results. market : Optional[:class:`str`] An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Provide this parameter if you want to apply Track Relinking. should_include_external : :class:`bool` If `True` is specified, the response will include any relevant audio content that is hosted externally. By default external content is filtered out from responses. Returns ------- results : :class:`SearchResults` The results of the search. Raises ------ TypeError Raised when a parameter with a bad type is passed. ValueError Raised when a bad search type is passed with the `types` argument. """ if not hasattr(types, "__iter__"): raise TypeError("types must be an iterable.") types_ = set(types) if not types_.issubset(_SEARCH_TYPES): raise ValueError(_SEARCH_TYPE_ERR % types_.difference(_SEARCH_TYPES).pop()) query_type = ",".join(tp.strip() for tp in types) include_external: Optional[str] if should_include_external: include_external = "audio" else: include_external = None data = await q=q, query_type=query_type, market=market, limit=limit, offset=offset, include_external=include_external, ) return SearchResults( **{ key: [_TYPES[obj["type"]](self, obj) for obj in value["items"]] for key, value in data.items() } )
[docs] async def get_multiple_shows( self, ids: List[str], market: Optional[str] = "US" ) -> List[Show]: """Get Spotify catalog information for several shows based on their Spotify IDs. Parameters ---------- ids : List[:class:`str`] A list of the Spotify IDs. market : Optional[str] An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Returns ------- shows : List[:class: `Show`] The shows from given IDs. """ data = await self.http.get_multiple_shows(ids, market) return list(Show(self, show) for show in data["shows"])
[docs] async def get_episode(self, id: str, market: Optional[str] = "US") -> Episode: """Get Spotify catalog information for a single episode identified by its unique Spotify ID. Parameters ---------- spotify_id : str The spotify_id to for the show. market : Optional[str] An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Returns ------- episode :class:`Episode` The episode of the given ID. """ data = await self.http.get_episode(id, market) return Episode(self, data)