Source code for spotify.models.playlist

from functools import partial
from itertools import islice
from typing import (

from ..oauth import set_required_scopes
from ..http import HTTPUserClient, HTTPClient
from . import AsyncIterable, URIBase, Track, PlaylistTrack, Image

    import spotify

class MutableTracks:
    __slots__ = (

    def __init__(self, playlist: "Playlist") -> None:
        self.playlist = playlist
        self.tracks = tracks = getattr(playlist, "_Playlist__tracks")

        if tracks is not None:
            self.was_empty = self.is_empty = not tracks

        self.replace_tracks = playlist.replace_tracks
        self.get_all_tracks = playlist.get_all_tracks

    async def __aenter__(self):
        if self.tracks is None:
            self.tracks = tracks = list(await self.get_all_tracks())
            self.was_empty = self.is_empty = not tracks
            tracks = list(self.tracks)

        return tracks

    async def __aexit__(self, typ, value, traceback):
        if self.was_empty and self.is_empty:
            # the tracks were empty and is still empty.
            # skip the api call.

        tracks = self.tracks

        await self.replace_tracks(*tracks)
        setattr(self.playlist, "_Playlist__tracks", tuple(self.tracks))

[docs]class Playlist(URIBase, AsyncIterable): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """A Spotify Playlist. Attributes ---------- collaborative : :class:`bool` Returns true if context is not search and the owner allows other users to modify the playlist. Otherwise returns false. description : :class:`str` The playlist description. Only returned for modified, verified playlists, otherwise null. url : :class:`str` The open.spotify URL. followers : :class:`int` The total amount of followers href : :class:`str` A link to the Web API endpoint providing full details of the playlist. id : :class:`str` The Spotify ID for the playlist. images : List[:class:`spotify.Image`] Images for the playlist. The array may be empty or contain up to three images. The images are returned by size in descending order. If returned, the source URL for the image ( url ) is temporary and will expire in less than a day. name : :class:`str` The name of the playlist. owner : :class:`spotify.User` The user who owns the playlist public : :class`bool` The playlist’s public/private status: true the playlist is public, false the playlist is private, null the playlist status is not relevant. snapshot_id : :class:`str` The version identifier for the current playlist. tracks : Optional[Tuple[:class:`PlaylistTrack`]] A tuple of :class:`PlaylistTrack` objects or `None`. """ __slots__ = ( "collaborative", "description", "url", "followers", "href", "id", "images", "name", "owner", "public", "snapshot_id", "uri", "total_tracks", "__client", "__http", "__tracks", ) __tracks: Optional[Tuple[PlaylistTrack, ...]] __http: Union[HTTPUserClient, HTTPClient] total_tracks: Optional[int] def __init__( self, client: "spotify.Client", data: Union[dict, "Playlist"], *, http: Optional[HTTPClient] = None, ): self.__client = client self.__http = http or client.http assert self.__http is not None self.__tracks = None self.total_tracks = None if not isinstance(data, (Playlist, dict)): raise TypeError("data must be a Playlist instance or a dict.") if isinstance(data, dict): self.__from_raw(data) else: for name in filter((lambda name: name[0] != "_"), Playlist.__slots__): setattr(self, name, getattr(data, name)) # AsyncIterable attrs self.__aiter_klass__ = PlaylistTrack self.__aiter_fetch__ = partial( client.http.get_playlist_tracks,, limit=50 ) def __repr__(self): return f'<spotify.Playlist: {getattr(self, "name", None) or}>' def __len__(self): return self.total_tracks # Internals def __from_raw(self, data: dict) -> None: from .user import User client = self.__client = data.pop("id") # pylint: disable=invalid-name self.images = tuple(Image(**image) for image in data.pop("images", [])) self.owner = User(client, data=data.pop("owner")) self.public = data.pop("public") self.collaborative = data.pop("collaborative") self.description = data.pop("description", None) self.followers = data.pop("followers", {}).get("total", None) self.href = data.pop("href") = data.pop("name") self.snapshot_id = data.pop("snapshot_id") self.url = data.pop("external_urls").get("spotify", None) self.uri = data.pop("uri") tracks: Optional[Tuple[PlaylistTrack, ...]] = ( tuple(PlaylistTrack(client, item) for item in data["tracks"]["items"]) if "items" in data["tracks"] else None ) self.__tracks = tracks self.total_tracks = data["tracks"]["total"] # Track retrieval
[docs] @set_required_scopes(None) async def get_tracks( self, *, limit: Optional[int] = 20, offset: Optional[int] = 0 ) -> Tuple[PlaylistTrack, ...]: """Get a fraction of a playlists tracks. Parameters ---------- limit : Optional[int] The limit on how many tracks to retrieve for this playlist (default is 20). offset : Optional[int] The offset from where the api should start from in the tracks. Returns ------- tracks : Tuple[PlaylistTrack] The tracks of the playlist. """ data = await self.__http.get_playlist_tracks(, limit=limit, offset=offset ) return tuple(PlaylistTrack(self.__client, item) for item in data["items"])
[docs] @set_required_scopes(None) async def get_all_tracks(self) -> Tuple[PlaylistTrack, ...]: """Get all playlist tracks from the playlist. Returns ------- tracks : Tuple[:class:`PlaylistTrack`] The playlists tracks. """ tracks: List[PlaylistTrack] = [] offset = 0 if self.total_tracks is None: self.total_tracks = ( await self.__http.get_playlist_tracks(, limit=1, offset=0) )["total"] while len(tracks) < self.total_tracks: data = await self.__http.get_playlist_tracks(, limit=50, offset=offset ) tracks += [PlaylistTrack(self.__client, item) for item in data["items"]] offset += 50 self.total_tracks = len(tracks) return tuple(tracks)
# Playlist structure modification # Basic api wrapping
[docs] @set_required_scopes("playlist-modify-public", "playlist-modify-private") async def add_tracks(self, *tracks) -> str: """Add one or more tracks to a user’s playlist. Parameters ---------- tracks : Iterable[Union[:class:`str`, :class:`Track`]] Tracks to add to the playlist Returns ------- snapshot_id : :class:`str` The snapshot id of the playlist. """ data = await self.__http.add_playlist_tracks(, tracks=[str(track) for track in tracks] ) return data["snapshot_id"]
[docs] @set_required_scopes("playlist-modify-public", "playlist-modify-private") async def remove_tracks( self, *tracks: Union[str, Track, Tuple[Union[str, Track], List[int]]] ): """Remove one or more tracks from a user’s playlist. Parameters ---------- tracks : Iterable[Union[:class:`str`, :class:`Track`]] Tracks to remove from the playlist Returns ------- snapshot_id : :class:`str` The snapshot id of the playlist. """ tracks_: List[Union[str, Dict[str, Union[str, Set[int]]]]] = [] for part in tracks: if not isinstance(part, (Track, str, tuple)): raise TypeError( "Track argument of tracks parameter must be a Track instance, string or a tuple of those and an iterator of positive integers." ) if isinstance(part, (Track, str)): tracks_.append(str(part)) continue track, positions, = part if not isinstance(track, (Track, str)): raise TypeError( "Track argument of tuple track parameter must be a Track instance or a string." ) if not hasattr(positions, "__iter__"): raise TypeError("Positions element of track tuple must be a iterator.") if not all(isinstance(index, int) for index in positions): raise TypeError("Members of the positions iterator must be integers.") elem: Dict[str, Union[str, Set[int]]] = { "uri": str(track), "positions": set(positions), } tracks_.append(elem) data = await self.__http.remove_playlist_tracks(, tracks=tracks_) return data["snapshot_id"]
[docs] @set_required_scopes("playlist-modify-public", "playlist-modify-private") async def replace_tracks(self, *tracks: Union[Track, PlaylistTrack, str]) -> None: """Replace all the tracks in a playlist, overwriting its existing tracks. This powerful request can be useful for replacing tracks, re-ordering existing tracks, or clearing the playlist. Parameters ---------- tracks : Iterable[Union[:class:`str`, :class:`Track`]] Tracks to place in the playlist """ bucket: List[str] = [] for track in tracks: if not isinstance(track, (str, Track)): raise TypeError( f"tracks must be a iterable of strings or Track instances. Got {type(track)!r}" ) bucket.append(str(track)) body: Tuple[str, ...] = tuple(bucket) head: Tuple[str, ...] tail: Tuple[str, ...] head, tail = body[:100], body[100:] if head: await self.__http.replace_playlist_tracks(, tracks=head) while tail: head, tail = tail[:100], tail[100:] await self.extend(head)
[docs] @set_required_scopes("playlist-modify-public", "playlist-modify-private") async def reorder_tracks( self, start: int, insert_before: int, length: int = 1, *, snapshot_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: """Reorder a track or a group of tracks in a playlist. Parameters ---------- start : int The position of the first track to be reordered. insert_before : int The position where the tracks should be inserted. length : Optional[int] The amount of tracks to be reordered. Defaults to 1 if not set. snapshot_id : str The playlist’s snapshot ID against which you want to make the changes. Returns ------- snapshot_id : str The snapshot id of the playlist. """ data = await self.__http.reorder_playlists_tracks(, start, length, insert_before, snapshot_id=snapshot_id ) return data["snapshot_id"]
# Library functionality.
[docs] @set_required_scopes("playlist-modify-public", "playlist-modify-private") async def clear(self): """Clear the playlists tracks. .. note:: This method will mutate the current playlist object, and the spotify Playlist. .. warning:: This is a desctructive operation and can not be reversed! """ await self.__http.replace_playlist_tracks(, tracks=[])
[docs] @set_required_scopes("playlist-modify-public", "playlist-modify-private") async def extend(self, tracks: Union["Playlist", Iterable[Union[Track, str]]]): """Extend a playlists tracks with that of another playlist or a list of Track/Track URIs. .. note:: This method will mutate the current playlist object, and the spotify Playlist. Parameters ---------- tracks : Union["Playlist", List[Union[Track, str]]] Tracks to add to the playlist, acceptable values are: - A :class:`spotify.Playlist` object - A :class:`list` of :class:`spotify.Track` objects or Track URIs Returns ------- snapshot_id : str The snapshot id of the playlist. """ bucket: Iterable[Union[Track, str]] if isinstance(tracks, Playlist): bucket = await tracks.get_all_tracks() elif not hasattr(tracks, "__iter__"): raise TypeError( f"`tracks` was an invalid type, expected any of: Playlist, Iterable[Union[Track, str]], instead got {type(tracks)}" ) else: bucket = list(tracks) gen: Iterable[str] = (str(track) for track in bucket) while True: head: List[str] = list(islice(gen, 0, 100)) if not head: break await self.__http.add_playlist_tracks(, tracks=head)
[docs] @set_required_scopes("playlist-modify-public", "playlist-modify-private") async def insert(self, index, obj: Union[PlaylistTrack, Track]) -> None: """Insert an object before the index. .. note:: This method will mutate the current playlist object, and the spotify Playlist. """ if not isinstance(obj, (PlaylistTrack, Track)): raise TypeError( f"Expected a PlaylistTrack or Track object instead got {obj!r}" ) async with MutableTracks(self) as tracks: tracks.insert(index, obj)
[docs] @set_required_scopes("playlist-modify-public", "playlist-modify-private") async def pop(self, index: int = -1) -> PlaylistTrack: """Remove and return the track at the specified index. .. note:: This method will mutate the current playlist object, and the spotify Playlist. Returns ------- playlist_track : :class:`PlaylistTrack` The track that was removed. Raises ------ IndexError If there are no tracks or the index is out of range. """ async with MutableTracks(self) as tracks: return tracks.pop(index)
[docs] @set_required_scopes("playlist-modify-public", "playlist-modify-private") async def sort( self, *, key: Optional[Callable[[PlaylistTrack], bool]] = None, reverse: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> None: """Stable sort the playlist in place. .. note:: This method will mutate the current playlist object, and the spotify Playlist. """ async with MutableTracks(self) as tracks: tracks.sort(key=key, reverse=reverse)
[docs] @set_required_scopes("playlist-modify-public", "playlist-modify-private") async def remove(self, value: Union[PlaylistTrack, Track]) -> None: """Remove the first occurence of the value. .. note:: This method will mutate the current playlist object, and the spotify Playlist. Raises ------- ValueError If the value is not present. """ async with MutableTracks(self) as tracks: tracks.remove(value)
[docs] @set_required_scopes("playlist-modify-public", "playlist-modify-private") async def copy(self) -> "Playlist": """Return a shallow copy of the playlist object. Returns ------- playlist : :class:`Playlist` The playlist object copy. """ return Playlist(client=self.__client, data=self, http=self.__http)
[docs] @set_required_scopes("playlist-modify-public", "playlist-modify-private") async def reverse(self) -> None: """Reverse the playlist in place. .. note:: This method will mutate the current playlist object, and the spotify Playlist. """ async with MutableTracks(self) as tracks: tracks.reverse()