Source code for spotify.models.user

"""Source implementation for a spotify User"""

import functools
from functools import partial
from base64 import b64encode
from typing import (

from ..utils import to_id
from ..http import HTTPUserClient
from . import (

    import spotify

T = TypeVar("T", Artist, Track)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

def ensure_http(func):
    func.__ensure_http__ = True
    return func

[docs]class User(URIBase, AsyncIterable): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """A Spotify User. Attributes ---------- id : :class:`str` The Spotify user ID for the user. uri : :class:`str` The Spotify URI for the user. url : :class:`str` The open.spotify URL. href : :class:`str` A link to the Web API endpoint for this user. display_name : :class:`str` The name displayed on the user’s profile. `None` if not available. followers : :class:`int` The total number of followers. images : List[:class:`Image`] The user’s profile image. email : :class:`str` The user’s email address, as entered by the user when creating their account. country : :class:`str` The country of the user, as set in the user’s account profile. An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. birthdate : :class:`str` The user’s date-of-birth. product : :class:`str` The user’s Spotify subscription level: “premium”, “free”, etc. (The subscription level “open” can be considered the same as “free”.) """ def __init__(self, client: "spotify.Client", data: dict, **kwargs): self.__client = self.client = client if "http" not in kwargs: self.library = None self.http = client.http else: self.http = kwargs.pop("http") self.library = Library(client, self) # Public user object attributes = data.pop("id") # pylint: disable=invalid-name self.uri = data.pop("uri") self.url = data.pop("external_urls").get("spotify", None) self.display_name = data.pop("display_name", None) self.href = data.pop("href") self.followers = data.pop("followers", {}).get("total", None) self.images = list(Image(**image) for image in data.pop("images", [])) # Private user object attributes = data.pop("email", None) = data.pop("country", None) self.birthdate = data.pop("birthdate", None) self.product = data.pop("product", None) # AsyncIterable attrs self.__aiter_klass__ = Playlist self.__aiter_fetch__ = partial( self.__client.http.get_playlists,, limit=50 ) def __repr__(self): return f"<spotify.User: {(self.display_name or!r}>" def __getattr__(self, attr): value = object.__getattribute__(self, attr) if ( hasattr(value, "__ensure_http__") and getattr(self, "http", None) is not None ): @functools.wraps(value) def _raise(*args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError( "User has not HTTP presence to perform API requests." ) return _raise return value async def __aenter__(self) -> "User": return self async def __aexit__(self, _, __, ___): await self.http.close() # Internals async def _get_top(self, klass: Type[T], kwargs: dict) -> List[T]: target = {Artist: "artists", Track: "tracks"}[klass] data = { key: value for key, value in kwargs.items() if key in ("limit", "offset", "time_range") } resp = await self.http.top_artists_or_tracks(target, **data) # type: ignore return [klass(self.__client, item) for item in resp["items"]] ### Alternate constructors
[docs] @classmethod async def from_code( cls, client: "spotify.Client", code: str, *, redirect_uri: str, ): """Create a :class:`User` object from an authorization code. Parameters ---------- client : :class:`spotify.Client` The spotify client to associate the user with. code : :class:`str` The authorization code to use to further authenticate the user. redirect_uri : :class:`str` The rediriect URI to use in tandem with the authorization code. """ route = ("POST", "") payload = { "redirect_uri": redirect_uri, "grant_type": "authorization_code", "code": code, } client_id = client.http.client_id client_secret = client.http.client_secret headers = { "Authorization": f"Basic {b64encode(':'.join((client_id, client_secret)).encode()).decode()}", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", } raw = await client.http.request(route, headers=headers, params=payload) token = raw["access_token"] refresh_token = raw["refresh_token"] return cls.from_token(client, token, refresh_token)
[docs] @classmethod async def from_token( cls, client: "spotify.Client", token: Optional[str], refresh_token: Optional[str] = None, ): """Create a :class:`User` object from an access token. Parameters ---------- client : :class:`spotify.Client` The spotify client to associate the user with. token : :class:`str` The access token to use for http requests. refresh_token : :class:`str` Used to acquire new token when it expires. """ client_id = client.http.client_id client_secret = client.http.client_secret http = HTTPUserClient(client_id, client_secret, token, refresh_token) data = await http.current_user() return cls(client, data=data, http=http)
[docs] @classmethod async def from_refresh_token(cls, client: "spotify.Client", refresh_token: str): """Create a :class:`User` object from a refresh token. It will poll the spotify API for a new access token and use that to initialize the spotify user. Parameters ---------- client : :class:`spotify.Client` The spotify client to associate the user with. refresh_token: str Used to acquire token. """ return await cls.from_token(client, None, refresh_token)
### Contextual methods
[docs] @ensure_http async def currently_playing(self) -> Dict[str, Union[Track, Context, str]]: """Get the users currently playing track. Returns ------- context, track : Dict[str, Union[Track, Context, str]] A tuple of the context and track. """ data = await self.http.currently_playing() # type: ignore if "item" in data: context = data.pop("context", None) if context is not None: data["context"] = Context(context) else: data["context"] = None data["item"] = Track(self.__client, data.get("item", {}) or {}) return data
[docs] @ensure_http async def get_player(self) -> Player: """Get information about the users current playback. Returns ------- player : :class:`Player` A player object representing the current playback. """ player = Player(self.__client, self, await self.http.current_player()) # type: ignore return player
[docs] @ensure_http async def get_devices(self) -> List[Device]: """Get information about the users avaliable devices. Returns ------- devices : List[:class:`Device`] The devices the user has available. """ data = await self.http.available_devices() # type: ignore return [Device(item) for item in data["devices"]]
[docs] @ensure_http async def recently_played( self, *, limit: int = 20, before: Optional[str] = None, after: Optional[str] = None, ) -> List[Dict[str, Union[Track, Context, str]]]: """Get tracks from the current users recently played tracks. Returns ------- playlist_history : List[Dict[:class:`str`, Union[Track, Context, :class:`str`]]] A list of playlist history object. Each object is a dict with a timestamp, track and context field. """ data = await self.http.recently_played(limit=limit, before=before, after=after) # type: ignore client = self.__client # List[T] where T: {'track': Track, 'content': Context: 'timestamp': ISO8601} return [ { "played_at": track.get("played_at"), "context": Context(track.get("context", {}) or {}), "track": Track(client, track.get("track", {}) or {}), } for track in data["items"] ]
### Playlist track methods
[docs] @ensure_http async def add_tracks(self, playlist: Union[str, Playlist], *tracks) -> str: """Add one or more tracks to a user’s playlist. Parameters ---------- playlist : Union[:class:`str`, Playlist] The playlist to modify tracks : Sequence[Union[:class:`str`, Track]] Tracks to add to the playlist Returns ------- snapshot_id : :class:`str` The snapshot id of the playlist. """ data = await self.http.add_playlist_tracks( # type: ignore to_id(str(playlist)), tracks=[str(track) for track in tracks] ) return data["snapshot_id"]
[docs] @ensure_http async def replace_tracks(self, playlist, *tracks) -> None: """Replace all the tracks in a playlist, overwriting its existing tracks. This powerful request can be useful for replacing tracks, re-ordering existing tracks, or clearing the playlist. Parameters ---------- playlist : Union[:class:`str`, PLaylist] The playlist to modify tracks : Sequence[Union[:class:`str`, Track]] Tracks to place in the playlist """ await self.http.replace_playlist_tracks( # type: ignore to_id(str(playlist)), tracks=",".join(str(track) for track in tracks) )
[docs] @ensure_http async def remove_tracks(self, playlist, *tracks): """Remove one or more tracks from a user’s playlist. Parameters ---------- playlist : Union[:class:`str`, Playlist] The playlist to modify tracks : Sequence[Union[:class:`str`, Track]] Tracks to remove from the playlist Returns ------- snapshot_id : :class:`str` The snapshot id of the playlist. """ data = await self.http.remove_playlist_tracks( # type: ignore to_id(str(playlist)), tracks=(str(track) for track in tracks) ) return data["snapshot_id"]
[docs] @ensure_http async def reorder_tracks( self, playlist, start, insert_before, length=1, *, snapshot_id=None ): """Reorder a track or a group of tracks in a playlist. Parameters ---------- playlist : Union[:class:`str`, Playlist] The playlist to modify start : int The position of the first track to be reordered. insert_before : int The position where the tracks should be inserted. length : Optional[int] The amount of tracks to be reordered. Defaults to 1 if not set. snapshot_id : :class:`str` The playlist’s snapshot ID against which you want to make the changes. Returns ------- snapshot_id : :class:`str` The snapshot id of the playlist. """ data = await self.http.reorder_playlists_tracks( # type: ignore to_id(str(playlist)), start, length, insert_before, snapshot_id=snapshot_id ) return data["snapshot_id"]
### Playlist methods
[docs] @ensure_http async def edit_playlist( self, playlist, *, name=None, public=None, collaborative=None, description=None ): """Change a playlist’s name and public/private, collaborative state and description. Parameters ---------- playlist : Union[:class:`str`, Playlist] The playlist to modify name : Optional[:class:`str`] The new name of the playlist. public : Optional[bool] The public/private status of the playlist. `True` for public, `False` for private. collaborative : Optional[bool] If `True`, the playlist will become collaborative and other users will be able to modify the playlist. description : Optional[:class:`str`] The new playlist description """ kwargs = { "name": name, "public": public, "collaborative": collaborative, "description": description, } await self.http.change_playlist_details(to_id(str(playlist)), **kwargs) # type: ignore
[docs] @ensure_http async def create_playlist( self, name, *, public=True, collaborative=False, description=None ): """Create a playlist for a Spotify user. Parameters ---------- name : :class:`str` The name of the playlist. public : Optional[bool] The public/private status of the playlist. `True` for public, `False` for private. collaborative : Optional[bool] If `True`, the playlist will become collaborative and other users will be able to modify the playlist. description : Optional[:class:`str`] The playlist description Returns ------- playlist : :class:`Playlist` The playlist that was created. """ data = {"name": name, "public": public, "collaborative": collaborative} if description: data["description"] = description playlist_data = await self.http.create_playlist(, **data) # type: ignore return Playlist(self.__client, playlist_data, http=self.http)
[docs] @ensure_http async def follow_playlist( self, playlist: Union[str, Playlist], *, public: bool = True ) -> None: """follow a playlist Parameters ---------- playlist : Union[:class:`str`, Playlist] The playlist to modify public : Optional[bool] The public/private status of the playlist. `True` for public, `False` for private. """ await self.http.follow_playlist(to_id(str(playlist)), public=public) # type: ignore
[docs] @ensure_http async def get_playlists( self, *, limit: int = 20, offset: int = 0 ) -> List[Playlist]: """get the users playlists from spotify. Parameters ---------- limit : Optional[int] The limit on how many playlists to retrieve for this user (default is 20). offset : Optional[int] The offset from where the api should start from in the playlists. Returns ------- playlists : List[Playlist] A list of the users playlists. """ data = await self.http.get_playlists(, limit=limit, offset=offset) # type: ignore return [ Playlist(self.__client, playlist_data, http=self.http) for playlist_data in data["items"] ]
[docs] @ensure_http async def get_all_playlists(self) -> List[Playlist]: """Get all of the users playlists from spotify. Returns ------- playlists : List[:class:`Playlist`] A list of the users playlists. """ playlists: List[Playlist] = [] total = None offset = 0 while True: data = await self.http.get_playlists(, limit=50, offset=offset) # type: ignore if total is None: total = data["total"] offset += 50 playlists += [ Playlist(self.__client, playlist_data, http=self.http) for playlist_data in data["items"] ] if len(playlists) >= total: break return playlists
[docs] @ensure_http async def top_artists(self, **data) -> List[Artist]: """Get the current user’s top artists based on calculated affinity. Parameters ---------- limit : Optional[int] The number of entities to return. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 50. offset : Optional[int] The index of the first entity to return. Default: 0 time_range : Optional[:class:`str`] Over what time frame the affinities are computed. (long_term, short_term, medium_term) Returns ------- tracks : List[Artist] The top artists for the user. """ return await self._get_top(Artist, data)
[docs] @ensure_http async def top_tracks(self, **data) -> List[Track]: """Get the current user’s top tracks based on calculated affinity. Parameters ---------- limit : Optional[int] The number of entities to return. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 50. offset : Optional[int] The index of the first entity to return. Default: 0 time_range : Optional[:class:`str`] Over what time frame the affinities are computed. (long_term, short_term, medium_term) Returns ------- tracks : List[Track] The top tracks for the user. """ return await self._get_top(Track, data)
[docs] @ensure_http async def get_podcasts(self, *, limit: int = 20, offset: int = 0) -> List[Podcast]: """Get the current user's saved podcasts, shows. Parameters ---------- limit : Optional[int] The number of entities to return. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 50. offset : Optional[int] The index of the first entity to return. Default: 0 Returns ------- podcasts : List[Podcast] The saved podcasts of the user. """ data = await self.http.get_saved_shows(limit=limit, offset=offset) # type: ignore return [ Podcast(self.__client, podcast_data, http=self.http) for podcast_data in data["items"] ]